Dear Friends,
Greetings, grace, and peace!
At its heart, every church is about coming together in thanksgiving and joy. God knows we've all been
through a lot over these past few years and at Friendship Church there's never been more reason for gratitude and celebration.
In that spirit, we hope you will join us in giving thanks to God for our amazing church leaders who work so hard to guide and inspire us in our work in Bolingbrook and beyond. And what about Pastor Anna. Nobody worked harder than she did: excellent worship, pastoral care, so many meetings and her amazing vision of what Friendship Church can become. No church is more blessed in their lay and pastoral leadership than ours!
Such blessings inspire our thanks -and our support. Your financial contributions will keep this creativity and faithfulness alive and thriving in the year to come. Our goal is simple and clear: we are facing several major building repairs and we want to grow our ministries and outreach. With that in mind, we are asking each member to consider increasing your giving by 10%. Think about it - whatever amount you give weekly, monthly, or annually, consider what a 10% increase would mean for you. We believe that this is a very attainable goal and is possible for most of our members. If each of us steps up, Friendship Church will step forward into our next chapter.
Giving Sunday is November 19. On that day we will seek to meet the challenges before us by gathering our pledges, blessing them, and then celebrating them with our traditional Thanksgiving dinner.
Before then, we hope you will prayerfully consider the pledge card or place it somewhere prominent in your home. Whenever you see it, ask God to help you discern your pledge for the coming year. And as you do, consider praying this prayer:
Gracious God, you know my situation better than anyone. Take my credits and debits, ins and outs, pluses and minuses, surpluses and lacks, and show me how to use them to join the great chorus of creation. Amen.
For all we have already accomplished together, and for all that we will accomplish together in the future, thank God and thank you.
In faith,
The Stewardship Team
Leonard Jones & Gene Paquette
You are invited to bring your Pledge card to worship on Giving Sunday, November 19, so that we can pray over it, turn in our cards and, thereby, participate in God’s generosity. You may also submit your Pledge card online below or download a printable card. After the service, please join us for our Friendship-style Thanksgiving meal.
Phone 630-972-1011
Address 305 E. Boughton Road, Bolingbrook, IL 60440
Office Hours
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
9 a.m. to Noon Wednesday
© 2023